A 12 bottles box 1 time a year
Become a Gold member by subscribing for 549 €
With each shipment you will receive:
One shipment per year. Shipping costs included.
549.00 € incl. VAT
A 12 bottles box 2 times a year
Become a Platinum member by subscribing to a subscription of 1089 €
With each shipment you will receive a box with:
Two shipments per year. Shipping costs included.
1,089.00 € incl. VAT
A 12 bottles box 3 time a year
Become an Excellence member by subscribing for 1899 €
Three shipments per year. Shipping costs included.
1,899.00 € incl. VAT
Società Agricola Casanuova delle Cerbaie SrL - Podere Casanuova delle Cerbaie 335 - 53024 Montalcino (SI) Italy - PI e CF 01045470521 - Tel. +39 0577 849284 / Fax +39 0577 846316 / Mobile +39 328 8170541 - Email
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